DOOM Eternal launch trailer unleashes all Hell

Time to Raze Hell

It’s not long now until gamers can raze some hell in the upcoming Doom Eternal. The hellish and ultraviolent sequel to the critically acclaimed DOOM (2016). Dropping onto PS4, Xbox One, PC and Google Statia on March 20th. Doom Eternal is set to bring gamers a highly visceral, gore-tastic and over the top action-packed follow up that has impressed everyone at events such as EGX and press preview events.

What to expect from the Doom Slayer!

I myself have taken a sneak peek at Doom Eternal (which you can read about in my Hyped or Afraid) and it sets to live up to all the promises made by ID Software and directors Hugo Martin and Marty Stratton. Doom Eternal offers players more ripping and tearing than you could dream of. With intense and brutal gameplay (believe me, even on Hurt me Plenty, this is a tough game) plenty of exploration, secrets for Doom slayer to find and even his own man-pad in space named the Fortress of Doom. I know, Doom games always needed a cool Hub area.

Doom Eternal’s trailer jumps into the action with a montage of death, destruction, carnage, heavy metal, firey demons, gore and of course, the Slayer himself. There are new environments ranging from Hellish landscapes, cultist bases and destroyed cities on Earth and features new and old foes including a possible visit from the Icon of Sin himself (or a possible sibling maybe). It’s clear that Doom Eternal is not messing about and will be quite possibly one of 2020’s most acclaimed games in a year filled with other titles such as The Last of Us 2 and Cyberpunk 2077.

Doom Eternal launches on March 20th and those who pre-order will get some extra goodies and a copy of the awesome DOOM 64, the excellent follow up to the original Doom exclusive to the Nintendo 64. Check out the trailer below and get ready to raze some Hell!

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