Gears Tactics Tips And Tricks

Everything you need to know!

Gears Tactics

Announced at E3 2018, Gears Tactics aims to adapt the style of the Gears of War saga in to a turn-based strategy. Because of this change from a third person shooter to a strategy title, Gears Tactics is a brilliant opportunity for new fans to get some turn-based strategy action.

In this Gears Tactics tips and tricks guide, we will provide you with the best and most important aspects to better face the new title from The Coalition and Splash Damage.

The Coalition


The major difference between a real-time strategy and a turn-based strategy is the possibility of taking all the time you want between turns. Gears Tactics tends to be more dynamic than other titles of the same genre, but that doesn’t mean you have to play fast. Among the tips and tricks to play Gears Tactics, the most important we can give you is therefore to take your time and calmly approach the various situations.

Check the positions of the enemies carefully, the members of your team, and carefully manage the actions available to you. When considering the locations of your enemies in particular, it is important to understand how far they can go. When managing the actions, always consider how many to devote to the move, how many to offensive/defensive, and especially if you need to reload.

Gears Tactics


Another important part in these Gears Tactics tips and tricks is about the executions. The role they play in Gears Tactics is quite essential, given that the prize for each execution will be an additional action to all the other team members on the field. Our advice is therefore to execute the executions as early as possible, so that you can better organize the other team members.

Obviously, however, one should not unnecessarily try to execute an enemy for no good reason, since if you waste a few turns, the enemy will simply just get up and attack you. In some cases when you are maybe surrounded by a few enemies, then it is better to simply finish them with a firearm.


With the amount of skills and actions for each weapon of each team member, it is easy to forget that you always have powerful grenades available in your arsenal, with which you can easily eliminate even 4-5 enemies in only one shot. Since the reload time is quite long, always try to have them available for some team members so that any lairs can be closed as soon as possible.

Considering that they will send groups of enemies out of the ground at every turn, in fact, the Locust lairs can be really dangerous. It is essential to always try to close them as soon as possible, that is, immediately after the exit of the first group.


Due to the amount of customizable aspects of each member of your team, even here you have to arm yourself with patience and carefully select the best equipment available. Remember to always look closely at the bonuses of each piece of armor or weapon, and choose which team members to give the most useful ones to always stay ahead of your enemies.

Also, never forget to check if you have any skill points available before starting your missions. As a last tip, remember to carefully choose the Gear with which to go on a mission, and when you have several available, to try to balance the various classes according to your style of play.

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