Ghostrunner – New Cyberpunk FPS At PAX South 2020

3D Realms showcases their new cyberpunk title at PAX South 2020


2019 was a pretty stellar year for 3D Realms who impressed with both Ion Fury and Wrath: Aeon of Ruin. With two amazing throwback shooters in one year, both utilizing oldschool engines from the 90’s. Though it seems 3D Realms’ upcoming cyberpunk FPS Ghostrunner will be more of a glimpse into the future. And it is playable at PAX South 2020 from January 17-19.

Ghostrunner is a brand new cyberpunk FPS developed by Polish indie studio One More Level, Slipgate Ironworks and 3D Realms and published by All In! Games. The game can only be described as a mix between Mirror’s Edge, Cyberpunk 2077, Ninja Gaiden and Dishonored. And with a synthwave soundtrack, gamers can expect a pretty sweet experience.

The game was announced last year and so far very little content has been revealed. So anyone looking to get their hands on an early version of the game should definitely head to PAX South this year. It seems for each year, 3D Realms shows up with pretty cool stuff.

Last year they revealed a custom replica of the Ion Bow from their game Ion Fury. And a replica of the shotgun from their Quake engine game Wrath. And this year it seems we can expect even more cool stuff from the legendary publisher.

A New Game Published by 3D Realms

3D Realms are no stranger to finding cool games to publish. Over the years they have had a hand in publishing the 2013 remake of Rise Of The Triad, the Kickstarter success Rad Rodgers, and has published most of their back catalogue on Steam. And with the recent resurgence in oldschool shooters, the publisher seems to be back on track and have found their audience.

We are extremely excited to see what Ghostrunner has in store for us. So far it seems to be dripping with Blade Runner inspired visuals. And all the hallmarks of a great cyberpunk environment. If you want an early taste, head to PAX South 2020 on January 17-19 and check out the 3D Realms booth!

What do you think of Ghostrunner? Will you be heading to PAX South to check it out? Let us know in the comments!

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