Telltale Games and Marvel Ink a New Game Deal

Just about every game, movie, comic, or TV property under the sun’s becoming a Telltale game and then some. Zombies, dinosaurs, time-travel, fairy-tale noire – nothing, it seems, is immune to the studio’s episodic point-and-click revival. Now the people who brought you The Walking Dead game you deserved and the Jurassic Park game you didn’t are bringing you a game from the Marvel universe with the folks who made a movie about an evil, robotic James Spader.

Marvel Telltale Banner BagoGames

Telltale Games and Marvel Studios have announced last night that a new project under their joint banner will be released in just two years time from now in 2017. What it is we have yet to know, but their announcement teased more details to come. As of now, Telltale’s currently working on its Game of Thrones series, Tales from the Borderlands series, and a third season of The Walking Dead.

“Announced this evening in San Francisco, we’re excited to reveal an all-new partnership with the incredible team at Marvel Entertainment. We’ll be teaming up on the development of an upcoming Telltale game series project set to premiere in 2017!”

What do you think their new could be? Could it be an Avengers game? A Daredevil game? Odds are high that it’ll be something of the episodic kind and have more than a few point-and-click elements, but what do we know? Tell us your thoughts down below!


Via TelltaleGames

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