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Thanks for reading BagoGames, we’re a news and reviews site about video games and everything else gamers love. We have expert reviews, the latest news, opinion, guides, podcasts, and videos for all your favorite video games, movies, TV, anime, manga, comics, and tech. Our goal is to keep our readers informed and if possible entertained.

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BagoGames embraces diversity whether it be ethnicity, gender, or sexual orientation. Our writers come from every walk of life and live in places across the globe. Our content is meant to reflect the uniqueness of mankind and coincide with the views and feelings of everyday gamers. At the end of the day, we’re gamers too and we want to produce content that’s down to earth, honest, and up to the level of what we’d expect for ourselves.

Most people call us Bag O’ Games. We call ourselves Bay-go-games. Either way works.

BagoGames.com and all its content are the sole property of BagoGames LLC.

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