Luciform Review

A hardcore platformer that will eat you up alive!


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There are many types of platformers that already exist in the video game industry. Some, such as A Hat in Time or even Super Mario Odyssey, are fun and appreciated by players of all ages. Other titles, such as Super Meat Boy or Celeste, are more challenging and require a certain level of skill to beat. Luciform, the latest title developed by the indie software house Chaos Minds, is born from the genre of these hardcore platformers. Did this small company manage to create a game like the ones mentioned above? The answer is, unfortunately, no! However, if you want to know the reasons that led me to give this judgment, I suggest that you continue reading. Here is my Luciform review on PC.


Chaos Minds’ Luciform puts players in the shoes of Luci, a sort of magical rabbit with the aim of freeing his family from the clutches of a wicked red-eyed gorilla. To achieve his goal, this little creature will have to go through over 50 levels full of obstacles and deadly traps. Take note that Luci will rely solely on his ability to change colors.

The controls of the game are simple and difficult at the same time! The character can jump with space and change direction with the directional arrows. Luci can also change his colors to red, blue, and green by pressing “Q”, “W”, and “E” respectively. Luci can interact only with the elements of the levels of its same color.

It will be essential to quickly switch from one color to another to lean on certain platforms or avoid obstacles. Although the basic controls are very simple, there are two particularities that make the game very complicated. I am talking about the fact that Luci cannot stop at all. Take note that Luci can also only change direction while in midair.

These elements make learning the commands really uncomfortable and frustrating. This all will lead you to die countless times from pressing wrong keys. The most important thing is basically having patience. Don’t even bother reading further if you are not calm, cool, and collected when playing these types of games.


I will continue my Luciform review by focusing on the levels. As you progress through the primary campaign, the game’s scenarios will only get more and more difficult with each level. The levels go from fairly linear sections with some obstacles up to complex vertical paths. Take note that Chaos Minds scattered these paths with traps in which a pixel can make the difference between life and death.

Furthermore, in the more advanced levels, the game introduces additional elements to make progress even more complicated. These elements can be trampolines or even colored brambles. Performing pixel perfect actions to complete the most difficult scenarios isn’t necessarily bad, but it becomes bad when collisions are inaccurate. This is the case with Luciform!

By touching only one pixel of a trap, your character will die instantaneously. Often it is difficult to understand what the exact point of contact with these objects is. That is what makes playing this game so damn difficult. All this, combined with the constant movement, the inability to adjust the height of the jump, and the total absence of checkpoints, will force you to a long and frustrating trial-and-error process.

Take note that the only way to beat a specific level is by learning the entire level by heart. This also makes Endless mode almost unplayable. Endless mode is made up of an infinite series of randomly generated levels that will immediately stop with your first death.


As for the technical sector, there is really not much to say about Chaos Minds’ Luciform. The game is extremely simple and consequently can be played without major problems, even on less performing PCs. In addition, the title boasts quick loading screens. This is a huge plus considering the number of times the game will force you to reload the levels.

As for the artistic aspect, however, the game did not satisfy me at all. To be honest, this was horrible to witness. The developers made the models of the very few characters and the recurring elements of the scenarios with not much care. The game highlights this flaw with the fact that they repeat themselves in the same way in each level. Compared to the rest, the backgrounds are not bad, but unfortunately there is very little variety here too. Where is the passion guys?


Luciform’s inspiration comes from some of the most challenging platformers of recent years, but unfortunately cannot come close to their level. The biggest problem is the extremely frustrating and unfair levels. Take note that other games in this genre also sometimes have frustrating levels, but at least they are satisfying to play.

This is definitely where Chaos Minds title fell short. Furthermore, the inconvenience of the controls helps to make learning the mechanics during the first few hours of the game even more difficult. For this reason, even if you are a huge fan of the genre, I advise you to think very well before buying this game!

Do you want to try Chaos Minds’ Luciform? What do you think of my Luciform review on PC? Please leave your thoughts in the comments below. Are you interested in more games? Check out our reviews for Project Starship XThe PedestrianHitman 3, Morbid: The Seven AcolytesWhen The Past Was AroundInfernal Radiation, and Chronos Before The Ashes.

The Review


4.3 Score

The idea behind Luciform may be good, but the end result is far from satisfying. This game may start as a hardcore platformer, but will soon end up giving you nightmares. This was definitely not a passion project!


  • Quick loading screens
  • Simple commands


  • Extremely frustrating
  • Inaccurate collisions
  • Poor artistically

Review Breakdown

  • Story 5
  • Gameplay 3
  • Graphics 3
  • Audio 6

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