1) Star Trek – One wonders why Star Trek has not been tapped as a LEGO game. There are vast archives that Traveller’s Tales can peruse to make the perfect game. Or they could go all out and have several games that use the hub world to go through all the motion pictures. How amazing would it be to play through The Wrath of Kahn as Lego Kirk? Or fight off the First Contact with Lego Riker? They could concieveably make 4 games out of all the movies, not including J.J Abrams‘ reboot. And to just be totally awesome to fans, the hub world should be the Deep Space 9. Added bonuses could be building all the ships in LEGOs when you find the gold bricks, etc. Nerds would quiver in their fanny packs for this game, as would the writer of this article.
2) Firefly – Joss Whedon‘s long lost Space Western would be a great addition to the LEGO library as well. The hub world would have to be the Serenity and the character’s bunk on the ship should be the worlds, since in the show viewers were privy to all the characters origins, then once you unlock all of them you get to relive the movie in pure LEGO fashion. And Traveller’s Tales won’t have too much problems translating Whedon’s humor into the game either, making it an easy write for them. Take my love, take my land…
3) Universal Monsters – Frankenstein, Dracula, The Creature from the Black Lagoon, and the Wolfman, all characters that are extremely well know and would translate so well into a LEGO game. The hub world would have to be Transilvania, or Dr. Frankenstein’s Lab, and you’d get to play through each movie and sequel with Traveller’s Tales humor injected into the cut scenes and paths. Hopefully one day we’ll all yell “It’s Alive,” as we tear the plastic off the game case.
4) Dick Tracy – The world really hasn’t heard from this gumshoe since Warren Beatty‘s take on the character in the early 90’s. Tracy needs some love. If Traveller’s Tales could acquire the rights from The Gould Estate I think they could work wonders with this franchise. Dick Tracy fighting crime and throwing characters like Flattop and Pruneface into jail all while saving the day in the 1930’s, it’s a dream come true.
5) Ghostbusters – Fans have been clamoring for more Ghostbusters hijinks, this writer most definitely has. The comic books aren’t cutting it, the 2009 game was a nice appetizer, but more is needed. This franchise would be an amazing addition to the LEGO world and would bring much needed interest to an old property. Maybe this will get Dan Aykroyd on the typewriter for Ghostbusters 3.
6) Pokemon – This franchise is a popular as ever and would move over to the LEGO Universe very well. Imagine catching LEGO Pokemon, then when they evolve you have to build them into their next form like a puzzle game. The Hub world would have to be main gyms where Ash gets his badges. Everyone wants to be the very best.
7) Back to the Future – Who wouldn’t want to run around as a blocky Marty McFly in that horrid orange vest? Seeing that the Telltale’s game did fairly well one would think this property would have already been soaked up by LEGO and Traveller’s Tales. The hub world would have to be Doc’s 50’s laboratory and the unlockable characters would be so cool, Old Man Biff, Marty’s Kid and so on. This would be a blast from the past that gamers definitely need.
8) Twilight – Everyone must think this is a huge joke, but it isn’t. If you think about it, video game companies are in it to make money, and a LEGO Twilight game would be snapped up by the ladies. The hub world would have to be the school and it may be kind of cool to run around as werewolf and bite Edward’s off, so maybe some guys would buy it too. Just don’t make the game case sparkle.
9) Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles – Since 80’s nostalgia is at an all time, why wouldn’t Traveller’s Tales decide to bring back the pizza eating turtles? How cool would it be to find your hub world as the sewer and to run around in co-op with four friends as you fight The Foot Clan. Turtle green wouldn’t be the only green Traveller’s Tales would see.
10) Nintendo – This is a weird one seeing as it would take as many lawyers as LEGO pieces to get it created, but it would be madly successful. Make this puppy a Wii U and 3DS exclusive and Nintendo’s fledgling console is back in the console war. How fun would it be to go fight Ganon with Luigi, Samus and Fox McCloud on your team? I’m thinking Miyamoto needs to start pushing for this game now.
Honorable mention: Superman, Spider-man, Justice League, Dr. Who, The Avengers, Chronicles of Narnia, and Game of Thrones
What would you like to see made as a LEGO video game? Please let us know in the comments, maybe Traveller’s Tales will spot it and make a dream come true!
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