Everyone likes free stuff—that’s a fact. Free stuff is even more awesome when it’s actually good, so here are 3 stellar downloads that are free of charge from the PSN store right now. Grab them whilst they’re hot!
DC Universe Online
Size: 16GB
Now I know this has been out for a while, but it’s seriously good fun (like most MMORPGs are). Pick a side, villain or hero, and journey through a graphic environment that includes some classic locations such as Arkham Asylum, all designed by artist Jim Lee. You also, obviously, partake in some pretty sweet quests penned by resident DC writers giving the game a really authentic feel. Combat is intricate and can take some getting used to but is incredibly fluid after some practice. Every player can formulate their own combinations of powers. Now free-to-play from the PSN store, DC Universe Online offers you up to 2 character slots, adequate inventory and bank slots, and a free weekly vault ticket. The freebies may seem slightly restrictive to seasoned vets, but you can always purchase more or upgrade your package at any time. After all, beggars can’t be choosers (or superheroes).
Killzone 3 Multiplayer
I got hooked on Killzone from beginning. I played the first game way back on my best friend’s PS2. Killzone 2 and 3 followed suit and just got more awesome. I’ve been playing Killzone 3 quite a bit recently and was happy to see that the multiplayer was a free standalone product on the PSN store. This was a refreshing discovery considering it’s become the new standard for companies to charge for online multiplayer access. The download features the Guerrilla Warfare, Warzone, and Operations game modes, including all launch and DLC maps from Killzone 3. Unfortunately, as with anything free and cool, this PSN download comes with some restrictions as players will only be allowed to reach the level of Sergeant 1 with the free download. This barrier can be overcome if you purchase the “full experience” download for a small charge. This grants you a 24-hour double XP bonus, free unlock points, the ability to create clans and custom games, and access to the Botzone mode which is pretty worthwhile if you’re a Killzone fan.
Jetpack Joyride
What do you get when you cross the makers of Fruit Ninja with a jetpack? Gravity-defying, goatee-sporting Barry, that’s what. Jetpack Joyride is an excellent bit of free gaming from Halfbrick Studios in which players take on the persona of the ultimate badass ‘Barry’ who hijacks a prototype machine gun jetpack and initiates chaos. The simple challanges make this game hugely addictive, and all the upgrades and gadgets you can purchase with collected coins add to its replayability. Travel by jetpack, motorcycle, teleporter or even a robot dragon with machine pick ups. Compete with your friends to reach the deepest depth of the laboratory. Android and iOS users may already be familiar with this game as it began life as a mobile game, but it has made the leap to console gaming beautifully. Slick presentation with simple yet addictive gameplay, Jetpack Joyride has the whole jump in-jump out gaming experience tied up in a pretty bow. Free of charge from the PSN store right now.
Below you can find reviews of Jetpack Joyride and DC Universe Online and even some info on the new MGR demo.
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