Mythic dungeons can be called one of the most inventive things in World of Warcraft endgame content. Despite being a copied version of Nephalem Rifts, players are fond of how the difficulty curve is built in these dungeons and how they develop the in-game lore. Not a surprise that a Mythic carry is a popular option on the boosting sites (you can buy Leprestore Mythic Plus Boost if you want an outstanding service). However, many players do not understand this content’s value and argue that such things as mythic keystone boost are not worthy, as you can, for example, make local quests or sign for LFG. We would like to tell you 3 reasons why exactly Mythic dungeon boost is the first thing you should buy from boosters and why you can benefit from this content.
Reason 1: Rewards and Progression
It is not a secret that Blizzard has developed quite a comfortable progression system for its endgame content. It can be formulated in the following way: you have finished the campaign, complete the Callings each week, go to Torghast and the Maw to gain renown (and Soul Ash). It grants you new chapters of the story and some good gear that may be useful if you want to pass through heroic dungeons and finally get to the LFR mode of Castle Nathria.

However, the main endgame content lies outside of these activities. It is Castle Nathria in normal, heroic, and mythic modes. To reach all of them, you need to visit Mythic dungeons at some point (better to do that with the Shadowlands Mythic plus boost). It is because when you buy mythic plus help from the boosting sites, you can always be sure that you will be rewarded with a really nice loot.
Moreover, in Shadowlands, you have an even broader choice of gear from the Mythic weekly chest. You may know that Blizzard introduced us to the Great Vault, where you get cool stuff each week for completing raid wings, Mythic dungeons, and PvP activities. By completing the 8th key level of any dungeon, you can get 216 gear pieces for your character. It is even higher than average heroic Castle Nathria loot! Considering the fact you may get some items from the end of each dungeon, any Mythic plus carry can significantly boost your progress in conquering challenging endgame content.

Reason 2: Roleplay and the Story
World of Warcraft is a game where your character is a part of the story. Roleplay here matters not only on the special RP servers because you gain loot and progress your character to feel embeddedness in the developed and exciting world. From this perspective, the endgame content’s essential function is to give you an absolute perception of yourself as a true hero, the savior of Azeroth.
Now imagine that your progress has ended on the LFR Castle Nathria. Sire Denathrius, the Jailer’s mighty minion, fell before guys from some random party that are not from the same guild or even the same server. I mean, it’s really weird, cause in the logic of this world, you have to cooperate with others if you want to deal with villains. From the perspective of roleplay and the in-game story, when you buy mythic runs WoW reacts to your actions as at the desire to insert yourself into the world correctly.

Definitely, WoW assumes you gather teammates in some in-game structure like a guild or by simply searching in the cities. But I argue that the Mythic dungeon’s whole notion exists not just because you can team up with someone but because the fact you pass it confirms that your character is a true hero of the story. Mythic dungeons give you the real feeling that you have helped Bwonsamdi or defeated Devos. And it may drive you more than any other element of the game.
Reason 3: Socializing and Friends
This may seem to be a not-so-obvious idea, but Mythic dungeons are really useful in socializing. Does this mean that you get a lot of friends immediately when you buy WoW mythic plus boost? Well, quite not really.
Any endgame content is the forge of social connections in World of Warcraft. This tradition was started in Vanilla WoW, as people were forced to socialize in guilds and even real-life groups for conquering the problematic raids. Times have changed, and today Mythic 15 carry can be done even without boosting services through searching for a group function. However, the player should fulfill so many different requirements that it mostly looks like you are trying to get a new job being young, but everyone asks for a long experience.

Certainly, boosting services ease our life here as you can easily buy cheap Mythic +15 boost without problems. However, doing so will upgrade your gear and open your way to the new guilds and groups of people who require you to do certain things. Hardcore guilds usually look at your formal experience (which keystone is completed in time), everyday experience (whether you are familiar with mechanics), and gear. After passing even one instance, you will partly get all of it.
Therefore, you can get more social connections in WoW that will ease your conquering challenging content and bring you good friends. Players from hardcore guilds value talented teammates a lot, and your adventures in the future will be definitely more interesting with such a company.

It is possible to play World of Warcraft without completing Mythic dungeons. Many activities in Shadowlands can entertain you, but Mythics are probably the best ones for getting a consistent game experience. They help you to build a correct progression, open doors to the good guilds and insert your character in the story. Missing this stuff would be a significant loss, as I think.
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Great article, thank you.