Two years ago, I wrote an article that was mostly a pipe dream for future Lego Games. Oddly enough some of those games and honorable mentions became a reality. I was surprised to hear of the Lego Avengers announcement, and saw that Lego Batman 3 was pretty much a Justice League game, all of which I was hoping for.
Here are some more franchises that I’d love to see Traveller’s Tales take on. Here’s hoping they’ll take a peek at this article themselves.
5) Shrek

While most of Shrek‘s humor is very dated, it’s still a hoot and-a-half, and Traveller’s Tales would have four movies and two spin offs to pull from. This would appeal to children, and to adults who started watching these movies over a decade ago. I remember laughing my butt off in the theater the first time I saw this, and I’d love to see a Lego version of this on consoles.
Add the fact that Traveller’s Tales now uses actual dialog from the movies, which would make this funnier than some of the previous Lego games. Nothing made me giggle more than hearing Ian McKellen’s voice come out of a little Lego character. Make the hub world Shrek’s swamp, and let players run around in the four movies, then unlock the Puss ‘N Boots movies and you have another killer Lego game on your hands.
4) Attack on Titan

Should Traveller’s Tales take on Attack on Titan, it’d be very difficult to make it humorous. The entire series is dark and depressing for a reason, but it kept me hooked for the first season, and I can’t wait ’till the second hits the states. Maybe this would be the game that shows us that Traveller’s Tales does dark and brooding very well too. Seeing that I can’t get enough of Attack on Titan, having it in Lego form, taking out Titans as a Lego Eren would be a blast.
Maybe TT could work their humor magic on this game, but I don’t know if it’d carry the same weight if there was anything funny about this world. A mature Lego game could work in the US market, though. Just look at how well Batman: Arkham Knight is doing, even with the “M” plastered on the cover.
3) Evil Dead/ Army of Darkness

Unfortunately for newer gamers, the Evil Dead series hasn’t been seen on consoles in two generations. I remember hunting down the first Evil Dead game for the Dreamcast — for some reason it was insanely difficult to find — and playing it from start to finish as fast as I could. When newer games were released for the Xbox ,I also snatched those up; not only were they solid action games, they were made hilarious due to Bruce Campbell nailing every line.
Traveller’s Tales could work wonders with the humor, and even grab Campbell to do some new lines for the game. I can picture the hub world being the cabin and getting to play through the trilogy, and even the new Evil Dead movie that came out a year ago or so. Plus, they could make the new Starz series episodes DLC so that you get the whole picture.
2) Dirty Harry

Poor Harry Callahan. The cop with a ‘tude almost had his own game about eight years ago, but something went awry at Warner Bros. and the game never saw the light of day. Clint Eastwood was in full support of the game as well, even lending his likeness and voice to the game. Flash forward quite a few years and I’m sitting on my couch playing Lego City Undercover, and who do I see in the Police Meeting Room? None other than a Lego version of Dirty Harry.
There are five movies for them to turn into Legos, and it’s unimaginable that something so mature could be so funny with the Lego animations, and how they may have to temper down the violence of some scenes. The San Fransisco Hall of Justice would have to be the hub world where Lego Dirty Harry runs around and serves justice to the dirt-bags of Fisherman’s Wharf.
1) Sherlock Holmes

The Sherlock Holmes brand is in something of a Renaissance now. Robert Downey Jr. has his movies, the BBC has Sherlock, CBS has Elementary, and Sir Ian Mckellan’s finally playing an aging Mr. Holmes in this summer’s film of the same name. The sleuth’s also been in quite a few video games recently, and desperately needs Traveller’s Tales to take the mantel for a game or two.
TT would have plenty work with three movies, two TV shows, and even Sir Arthur Conan Doyle’s actual stories. Naturally, 221B Baker Street would have to be the hub world, where any incarnation of Holmes could jump into any visions of the Holmes world we have now. It’d be pretty neat for old school Sherlock Holmes fans to be able to unlock some of the Basil Rathbone stories and make his Lego character black and white. It’d also be neat to see two different Sherlocks voiced by their respective actors bickering about a crime scene or what Watson’s been up to.
There are five more franchises that Traveller’s Tales should try to sink their teeth into? Are there any we missed? Let us know in the comments below.
-Lego TMNT
-Lego Nintendo (they can mix up all the classics, c’mon with proper licensing you know this would be a HUGE seller)
-Lego Transformers
-Lego TMNT
-Lego Nintendo (they can mix up all the classics, c’mon with proper licensing you know this would be a HUGE seller)
-Lego Transformers