It’s finally here! The new, never-before-heard episode of 8Bit Proof has arrived and we kick things off with a doozy!
As you may know, there are occasional differences of opinion on this podcast. If you’re a regular listener, you know that to be a grave understatement. Since the very beginning of our humble ‘cast, the most divisive of these little disagreements have circled around Kickstarter. Is it a viable, crowd-funding device, or simply a tool for lazy entrepreneurs to syphon money from idiots? While we’ve occasionally touched on it in previous episodes, this topic is typically so volatile, that we’ve avoided it altogether. Until now.
This episode includes:
- Handsome Joe’s Real or Fake Kickstarter game.
- The long awaited, and somewhat moderated, Kickstarter Debate. Good or Bad?
- Our thought on the Bat-fleck announcement.
- Thoughts from the listeners regarding the pros and cons of Kickstarter.
- A podcast divided, learns how to love again.
Remember, if you’ve got something to say, don’t be shy! Give us an earful on our Facebook Page! Tell us where to cram it, on Twitter! Or just send us some good old fashioned hate email!
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If you’re into watching people drink and play games, why not check out our new Twitch channel? Occasionally, if our blood alcohol content is high enough, we give out free stuff!