Triple A titles constantly swamp our shelves and there are plenty to choose from. Unfortunately there is no way everyone can play every game that was released in a year, you would have to be jobless and friendless. After sorting through several AAA titles, these are the best of 2016 in the eyes of our writers and editors.
Attack on Titan

I was thrilled when I was tapped to review this game. I fell in love with the Anime a few years ago and when I heard Tecmo Koei was taking the reigns I was ecstatic. I had loved what they did with Hyrule Warriors and knew that handing them this franchise would be pure gold. Once the download had completed and I got to swing around and kill Titans I knew that I had been correct. Tecmo Koei had done such a great job being faithful to the source material and made it insanely fun. The campaign is a retelling of the first season of the Anime; the multiplayer is when you scout and clear Titans from the surrounding area. I found both to be so enjoyable; I just wish I had more friends who liked slaying Titans.
Runner Up: Battlefield 1
-Jerry Dobracki
Uncharted 4: A Thief’s End

I’m an Xbox guy and Gears of War 4 was the big title I was waiting for. But I got a PS4 a couple months back and this was on my list for a while to play. Out of the two games, this stuck with me and for most releases this year, this stuck with me. Having played the other titles, I was keen to see Neil Druckmann’s take on Uncharted and while I do see some flaws, overall, this game captivated me until the very end. It’s a great story about forgiveness, greed and the love between brothers. What makes Uncharted 4 so much more fascinating compare to Gears 4 is that you can believe and relate to this world and its characters. Gears 4 is the same old stuff we’ve played before whereas Uncharted 4 takes some risks and breaks new ground not only for the series but in game development. It’s may not be the best but out of AAA gaming it makes the effort to grow up and be as amazing as it can when it wants to be. From the epic set pieces, gun fights to just exploring the beautiful world that Naughty Dog created with what I assume to be magic, this game is incredible.
-Patrick Kennedy

As I’ve likely mentioned several times: I don’t do well with competitive games. I haven’t forgiven the team-kills, the constant disemboweling and all the comments telling me to go mix bleach and ammonia in a wardrobe. Why would I?
Yet, Overwatch clicks for me weirdly.
Maybe it’s due to the simplistic depth it offers that allows accessibility while also boasting a lot of character options? Maybe it’s due to the aesthetic that makes gaining skins a pleasure? Maybe it’s because of the constant updates tweaking and adding on the base game since its release? It’s no wonder it’s gotten quite a lot of GotY attention, but it wouldn’t be mine.
-Kailan May
Uncharted 4: A Thief’s End

Nathan Drake returned, and as we went along for the ride, we were treated to a great story that added much to the lore of the series. The relationship between Drake and his brother, as well as Sully and his wife, really added to the depth of the series, and made me care about the characters that much more. Additionally, the backstory to the treasure which Drake and company are searching for, is probably my most favorite motivation in any of the Uncharted games. I love pirates, and every twist and turn was fantastic, and the locations visited that were heavily tied into the treasure, were a treat that is for certain. The set pieces were top notch, gunplay was also very good, though I spent most of my time using stealth to get through most of the game. Even the multiplayer, which I didn’t think I would spend much time on, was very enjoyable. A polished gem from Naughty Dog, it was very much top tier. Here’s hoping the first DLC is as equally enjoyable.
Runner Up: Titanfall 2
-Zac LaRocque-Walker
Those are our favorite AAA titles of 2016, did we miss a couple? Please let us know in the comments or by tweeting us @BagoGames. We’d love to hear from you whether you agree or disagree as it’s always fun discussing video games, especially our favorites!