On May 4th, you can check out Star Wars Battlefront with a free 4 hour trial on PC.
EA announced on Friday that they are celebrating “Star Wars” day by giving out bonuses to their current games as well as this free trial.
At 11 a.m., Origin users will be able to gain access to the game with a 4 hour trial. This will include the content that the core game has within. Unfortunately, for trial and current players of Star Wars Battlefront, this does not include the Outer Rim downloadable content. You’ll have to be quick, however, as this offer expires on May 5th, 2016 at 2 a.m. PT.

Star Wars Battlefront players, however, aren’t left out in the cold with a wampa because on Star Wars day, you can get 4444 credits as well as a new Hutt Contract, which unlocks the Bacta Bomb Star Card (which gives a health boost to you and your team).
In addition to Star Wars Battlefront, EA and BioWare are offering up the Knights of the Fallen Empire Star Wars: The Old Republic expansion for free from now to May 30th. You can also get Double XP between May 3rd to May 10th (as well as Double Commendations in PvP, Double Requisitions in Starfighter and Double Legacy XP), and the M4-I6 Zakuulan Astromech Droid Mini-pet from now to May 4th.
Mobile gamers will also be able to enjoy Double Drop Events and a more Crystals within bundles for Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes. Between now to May 5th, there will be double drop rates (not including XP and Crystals) from playing different game modes each day. On Star Wars day (May 4th), you can also get a 25% increase of Crystals within packs.
How are you planning on celebrating Star Wars day? Let us know in the comments, and of course, May The Fourth Be With You!