We all love video games but it can sometimes be tough keeping up with all of them and buying them at the price so many of them demand. On top of that, we all have busy schedules and combined with that at the price tag of many games, it’s so easy to fall behind and have a huge backlog just laughing at us from the shadows. You can always buy games on sale, no one’s stopping you but just stop and think for a second of what Utomik brings to the table. $5.99 for one user of $9.99 for four users in a family plan and you’re able to access over 500 games almost immediately–and it just got better!

Deep Silver just partnered up with Utomik and added many of their published games to the service. Now you can enjoy Dead Island Riptide, Saint’s Row 2, Metro 2033 Redux, and more! It’s expected that more games from Deep Silver will be added in the future since Utomik adds new games every single month, with 32 added just in the last month alone! I know I’m going to jump in and play some Dead Island Riptide and Metro 2033 Redux. It’s been too long since I’ve had the pleasure of playing through them and I’m about to take a break from reviews here in a few days while I tap into my backlog, and of course enjoy some more Breath of the Wild!
For more information, head on over to their website and sign up for a free trial to see what it’s all about. I love Steam and own a few hundred games on there but there are plenty of games available on Utomik that I don’t own that I don’t even need to own. How many times do you just want to check a game out and start playing immediately? With Utomik, you can! Part of the game downloads and then you’re able to start playing. There’s new games, favorites, offbeat titles, and now some great games from Deep Silver!
If you’re wanting to hold off until there’s some more info on this service then look forward to my full review of Utomik and their service in about a month from now. All I’ll say in the meantime is I’ve been enjoying some classics and new titles that I haven’t played at all or haven’t played in a long time.