Nintendo’s initial trailer for the long-awaited Zelda game for the Wii U, which now has an official title of The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild, is a breathtaking example of Nintendo’s imagination. Later on today, the company revealed more info regarding the game and its corresponding amiibo.
The emphasis of Breath of the Wild is on freedom, exploration and choices. Players will be able to interact with this world in an entirely new way. Link can choose a horse in a field to be his new steed, he can dive into any river, and most surprisingly, Link will be able to climb any mountain that is visible. What weapons you use, how you solve a puzzle and even the way you fight in battles are completely up to the player.

There is no pre-determined path this time. Instead, players will be able to create their own path within the Breath of the Wild story. Some of the Hyrulian minor enemies will return but instead of finding them in random areas, these enemies will be living in colonies. Perhaps they will be smarter too! Food and cooking is now a new Legend of Zelda mechanic. Gathered mushrooms, veggies and meat (from boars Link must hunt himself) can be cooked into a delicious dinner that gives Link his hearts back or gives him a temporary boost or ability. Basically, eating before engaging in a major battle is a good idea.
Climbing mountains is a new feature that is predominant in the trailer. Link has the freedom to climb any mountain or structure (such as tall towers) and get a great view on an item. The freedom given to Link to explore and discover comes with a price. Now the environment will alter based on weather and temperature. Link must be dressed to survive in all climates. Collect or possibly purchase clothes that will not only give Link sass but aid him in simply living.
Structures called Shrines of Trials await adventurers and can be explored in any order. They each contain various traps, puzzles and special treasures. Nintendo has confirmed there is more than 100 Shrines of Trials in Breath of the Wild.
Some new amiibo figures are on display at E3 this year as well, and they are to be used in this new LoZ game. They will be sold separately from the game and are optional aids to Link’s journey. The Link with Bow amiibo (Archer), Link on Horseback (Rider) and Guardian (the first amiibo ever to have flexible parts to aid in amiibo display creativity) will all be usable in Breath of the Wild. Those owners of the Twilight Princess Wolf Link amiibo can use it to give Breath of the Wild Link a companion in the form of Wolf Link who can fight and help out. Wolf Link will have 3 hearts unless there is Twilight Princess save data on it, then the TP collected hearts will be transferred to Wolf Link in Breath of the Wild.

Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild will be released in 2017 for both the Wii U and the next Nintendo console, currently called Nintendo NX. We want to hear your thoughts on Nintendo’s E3 Legend of Zelda presentation, so leave us a comment below!
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Source: Nintendo E3 2016 Treehouse and Press Room