We all know that whilst the Nintendo 3DS is soaring to new sales records and stuffing shop shelves worldwide with the latest blockbuster titles the Nintendo Wii U is edging closer and closer to the bargain bin, even coming pretty close to the price of the powerful handheld when it was cut down to £149.99 by UK retailer ASDA. Well when you thought it couldn’t get any worse… it does.
Despite Nintendo spending some of their E3 time a few years ago explaining their “unprecedented partnership” with Electronic Arts, it seems that it hasn’t all gone according to plan after the developer spoke to Kotaku confirming that:
“We have no games in development for the Wii U currently”.
Ouch. Nothing at all.
With the Wii U struggling in all manner of areas, even when it comes to first party content, Nintendo is obviously going to be hurt by the realization that EA has nothing in development for the Wii U. Will this mean that even FIFA 14 will not be released on the console? Could it get any worse for the big N? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below.
[Source: Kotaku via Nintendo Life]