Expelled from Paradise is a CG since fiction animated film from Japan. Toei Animation, Nitroplus, Gen Urobuchi and Seiji Mizushima along with the talents of many others created this film. Here is the list of theater’s that are showing Expelled from Paradise:
Harkins Theaters in Tempe, AZ
Downtown Independent in Los Angeles, CA
Tower Theater in Sacramento, CA
Gaslamp 15 in San Diego
New People in San Francisco, CA
Alamo Drafthouse Cinema Littleton in Littleton, CO
Angelika Film Center in Washington D.C.
Ward Stadium 16 in Honolulu, HI
The Maple Theater in Bloomfield, MI
The Mavnville 12 Plex in Manville, NJ
Village East Cinema in New York, NY
Gateway Film Center in Columbus, OH
Angelika Film Center in Dallas, TX
Alamo Drafthouse Mason Park in Katy, TX
Angelika Film Center in Fairfax, VA
Follow the Aniplex USA website to order your tickets for Expelled from Paradise today!