Nanana’s Buried Treasure is an anime based on the ongoing light novel series written by Kazuma Ōtorino and drawn by Akaringo. A-1 Pictures is producing Nanana’s Buried Treasure and is premiering on April 10 on Fuji TV’s Noitamina.
A manga adaption of the light novels is still running and is written by Kazuma Ōtorino and is illustrated by Hitoshi Okuda. The story is about a teenage boy, Yama Juugo, whose father disowns him. Yama then transfers to a high school on an artificial island known as the “Special Student Zone”. Living in a tiny apartment he encounters the ghost who haunts the room, a beautiful girl!
No news of Nanana’s Buried Treasure being released outside Japan has surfaced hence the trailer lacking English subtitles. Comedic anime fans will simply have to wait.
Via AnimeNewsNetwork