Nintendo has confirmed that a sequel of the immensely popular Flipnote Studio, a Nintendo DSi Ware title, will be coming to the Nintendo 3DS this Summer in Japan through its eShop.
The announcement was made by Satoru Iwata during a Japanese mini Nintendo Direct and other information given about the title was that animations will now be able to be exported in both AVI and GIF format to share your work across a wide range of websites.
Unlike the DSiWare version, where uploading to the Hatena World Flipnote Gallery community was free, Nintendo will charge a small fee for what we assume to be a membership, although it could be per upload which could make the application very expensive if you enjoy sharing your designs with the world. It should be noted however that a free 30-day trail will be offered as well as the abiltty to share with registered friends on the 3DS system will be free.
The company has later confirmed that support for the current Flipnote Studio on Nintendo DSi will be ceased later this year.
[Source: Nintendo Life via Polygon]