Nintendo has finally revealed more details about their highly coveted and mysterious new console, the Nintendo Switch. Thankfully, we don’t have to wait too long to get our hands on this exciting new hardware. The Nintendo Switch will be released worldwide on March 3, 2017.
The presentation went on to answer several other questions fans have been asking since the original Switch reveal in October. The console will be $299.99 USD at launch, which is slightly higher than the rumored $249.99 that was circling around. The battery life will range from 2.5 to 6 hours depending on the game and settings used while playing on-the-go.
Finally, Nintendo also announced a change to their region-locking business model. Typically, Nintendo’s consoles are always region-locked, which stops fans from importing games from other countries. Thankfully, Nintendo has abandoned this business model, so fans can import any games they want for their Switch console. This is a welcome change that will definitely encourage sales of imported titles and maybe increase games made in other markets.

Two versions of the console will be released: one with black Joy-con controllers, and one with a neon blue and neon red Joy-con controller.
Stay tuned to BagoGames for more information on the Nintendo Switch as information is released. We’ll be updating with all sorts of news regarding the Joy-con controllers, Nintendo’s new network plan, and the games planned for the highly anticipated follow up to the Wii U.
Source: Nintendo Switch Press Conference