As we reported earlier this month, due to German law Nintendo had to prevent owners of their latest console, the Wii U, from accessing 18+ rated content until the hours between 23:00 – 3:00. However, this could be due to change in the future…
Why the sudden change? According to the latest ONM podcast, it was stated that Nintendo is working on a fix for the issue although no details or dates were given during the conversation.
ONM is the Official Nintendo Magazine published in the United Kingdom so it isn’t impossible that they are more aware of what Nintendo is doing/planning than numerous websites out there due to being directly linked with the company.
What are your views on this? Do Nintendo need to lift the 18+ time frame? Let us know in the comments below!
[Source: Go Nintendo via Nintendo Life]

[…] Nintendo Working on EU Wii U eShop Unlock for 18+ Content […]