PlayStation Vita to get organized? Fred Dutton, manager of the EU PlayStation Blog, has heavily hinted that folders may be gracing Sony’s portable handheld, the PlayStation Vita, similar to how Nintendo introduced the organizing system on its own portable, the Nintendo 3DS.
The hint came after one user commented saying:
“Also a Vita FW update to stack your games in folders and for the memory card to save the layout of apps and games etc, so if you swap memory cards you don’t get a jumbled mess!”
To which Fred Dutton replied with:
“Vita firmware – we may have good news for you very soon.”
It may seem silly to some gamers but to others folders allow for a more clean and organised feel, perhaps even allowing them to locate games/applications quicker if they are download-heavy users.
Would folders be of interest to you on your PlayStation Vita? Let us know, as always, in the comments section below or on our Facebook page!
[Source: EU PlayStation Blog via PlayStation Universe]

[…] PlayStation Vita To Get Organized With Folders? […]