Kim Swift, who is currently a designer at Airtight Games, recently made a blog post regarding the state of sexism in the video game industry. She’s been one of the minds behind Portal and Quantum Conundrum so knows her stuff when it comes to games development but is shocked with the behaviour/things which are said to her within the industry.
The link to the exact post is in the source at the bottom of this post and whilst it doesn’t insult her male co-workers, Kim Swift gives advice to those who are or wish to be part of the industry in the future.
Below is an extract:
“Be visible.
Be outspoken.
Be strong.
Be smart.
Be kind.
Be everything that the younger versions of us could’ve pointed to and proudly said:
“Girls make games too.”
We couldn’t agree more Kim Swift and we hope that many girl-gamers take note of your success and realise that they too can make a difference within the games industry and be just as good (heck, be better than) as their male co-workers!
[Source: via Official Xbox Magazine UK]