Drama in the skies and on the global Playstation network today, PlayStation Network went down earlier after a DDOS (Denial of service) attack. It was later claimed by a hacking group called the “LizardSquad” who had taken responsibility for the attacks for no apparent reason. Things later escalated when the hacking group threatened Sony Online entertainment staff John Smedley, the SOE staff member commonly known for the likes of H1Z1 and PlanetSide 2 had his flight grounded when the “lizardSquad” contacted his flight company warning of a bomb threat on his plane after somehow retrieving information on his flight.
It has now been revealed that the “LizardSquad” did not actually perform the attacks, a twitter account by the name “FamedGod” had exposed them as frauds claiming “his work” and has now exposed all of their members IP addresses across the Web.

More Information to follow. –
“FamedGod” Has now claimed that once “LizardSquad” Have been banned off of twitter he will stop the DDOS attacks, he has also made a threat that microsoft are next.
– Sony has now confirmed no personal data has been compromised in the attacks.
“Like other major networks around the world, the PlayStation Network and Sony Entertainment Network have been impacted by an attempt to overwhelm our network with artificially high traffic.
Although this has impacted your ability to access our network and enjoy our services, no personal information has been accessed.
We will continue to work towards fixing this issue and hope to have our services up and running as soon as possible.
We regret any inconvenience this may have caused.”
The man behind the Attacks “FamedGod” Has claimed that the attack sent was a whopping “263.35 GBPS” to put that into scale the largest ever DDOS attack on the planet was measured in at “400 GBPS”.
FameGod has a video out exposing PlayStations Weaknesses.FAMEGod Exposes PSN Security issues