Those waking up to the alarm tone from their iPhone/iPod/iPad/WhateveriDeviceYouOwn this morning may have noticed a little notification in the native App Store. Upon further investigation you’ll find that there is a new update for the original Sonic the Hedgehog game which includes much more than just a new icon. Much more.
After you update the original app, you’ll notice that SEGA have completely changed the appearance of the app in all manner of places. The game no longer begins with the traditional “SEEEGGGAAAA” chant before throwing you straight into the games title screen. Instead you navigate through various icons which allow you to choose the box art (Japanese, North American or European versions are available) as well as change which soundtrack the game is using in addition to (and get this) play as Tails or even Knuckles… in the original Sonic the Hedgehog game!
The update, as with all app updates, is FREE to download and also allows you to use the spin dash move from the sequel, Sonic the Hedgehog 2, throughout the main game. In addition to this, little fixes which make a big difference such as the frame rate now being 60 FPS has improved in addition to you being able to choose exactly where the joystick to move and the button to jump go on the bottom half of the screen.
Seriously, this update brings some much needed razzle-dazzle to the game which we’ve all bought about ten times across various consoles and digital services and I would go as far as to say that this version (coming to Android later today also) is the best yet…
[Source: iTunes App Store]