Fractional Games has just released a new trailer for SOMA along with a release date for later this year.
For those of you that don’t know, SOMA is a Science Fiction based Survival Horror game developed by Frictional Games (the same people who brought us Penumbra: Overture, Black Plague, Requiem and Amnesia: The Dark Descent). It has quite the dark aesthetic going for it, which is all that’s really needed in a horror game. As long as the horror factors are in the right spots and all the check boxes are ticked, SOMA should be an entertaining game.
SOMA will be released on September 22nd, 2015 for both PS4 and PC.
Here is the brand new 12 minute trailer that demonstrates not only the visuals and the environments of the game, but also the atmosphere. Take a look:
Sources: Frictional Games YouTube Channel, Frictional Games Wesbite