Apparently when the Titanfall Beta went Open over the weekend a lot of Titan’s did fall. According to Respawn Entertainment, after the Titanfall Beta went open to help them with a stress test of their servers, and I stress the term “stress test,” they had over 2 million people jump on the integrated servers on the Microsoft Server Cloud to really help and spread those servers as thin as they could go.
The Beta did pretty well considering all that could have gone wrong with servers with that amount of people. The beta did go down at one point for about seven hours but Respawn says that is due to “human error” more than the sheer amount of people crowding on the game to play.
Considering that this amount of people were able to get on and play the beta with nearly no problems and that they are also using a new system in the new Microsoft Xbox Live Compute platform I think that Respawn is doing some good prep work to make sure that the Titanfall launch goes smoothly and that they have what they need to make sure that they can handle the amount of people that will crowd the game servers at launch.
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