Tomb Raider was only released two days ago (unless you lived near a naughty Tesco store that is…) but Square Enix has already announced that three additional multiplayer maps will be released later this month for the games multiplayer mode.
The map pack, called “The Caves & Cliffs” will arrive just fourteen days (19th March) after the game first hit store shelves, being made available through the Xbox Live marketplace. The map pack of which includes: Scavenger Caverns, Cliff Shantytown and Burning Village, all areas from the game’s single player mode that have been ‘rejigged’ for multiplayer mayhem.
According to Eurogamer, Shanty Town is already available at the price of 240 Microsoft Points but as this map pack costs just 400 Microsoft Points, we recommend waiting and you know, finishing that single player campaign before splashing the points on DLC which will be made available a cheaper price pretty soon.
[Source: Eurogamer]