Darren Cairns of Green Man Gaming has recently spoken to MCV regarding the hope of UK retailers of the PlayStation 4 being released before Christmas in the UK and being able to be in such a position as to charge £300.00 for the console to those who want to jump onto the bandwagon at its first stop.
“Obviously there is a balance to strike between building an installed base for the great games to follow and losing too much on each box, but £299 would be a good price.”
HMV Games buyer, Richard Thomas echoed fans hopes that the PlayStation 4 will bring with it all new games to push to console into the living rooms of consumers by saying:
“It looks like the console is getting some really strong third-party support, and we all know how important that can be. There’s also some really encouraging news on ‘social’ and ‘always online’ features for titles like DriveClub working across devices such as tablets and smartphones, while Killzone: Shadow Fall and other tech demos shows off the impressive graphical power of PS4.”
It seems that retailers and online websites are already getting excited for the launch of the PS4, are you?
[Source: PlayStation Universe]