As great as Portal 2 was, I think we can all agree that the game was a bit ‘weird’ in it’s own right; with it’s talking turrets, heart-covered Companion Cubes and, last but not least, Potato-GLaDOS. But at the most recent PAX, Valve writers Chet Faliszek and Erik Wolpaw had something even weirder in mind for Chell and the turrets. Specifically speaking, she was to get married to one of them. Feel free to be confused and/or concerned.
G4TV reports that the writers at Valve had created an entire subplot in which Chell would find a group of turrets that would somehow get her to to complete a task in the name of their Turret King; and after completing the task, the turrets would marry Chell off. This, as a result, would cause her new ‘Turret Wife’ to stalk her for the rest of the game. And as if that wasn’t odd enough, you know how the Companion Cube gets spit out behind you at the end of the game? That was supposed to be the Turret Wife.
I…I don’t even know anymore. Chell getting married? And to a turret?! Those Valve guys worry me sometimes.
(Via G4TV)