The Dawning is the next Destiny event, following October’s Festival of Lost Souls, and is coming to Destiny: Rise of Iron players on December 13. The event brings the Sparrow Racing League back to the game, with 2 new tracks, as well as new sparrows, gear, shaders, emblems and more. The Dawning also appears to be putting the Tower in more of a festive mood, with plenty of winter themed decorations and potential items available to players. One exciting bit of info that Bungie included in the announcement is that sparrow racing would be available in private matches once the event ends on January 3.
Another key addition that The Dawning update will be bringing to Destiny is that of strike scoring. It looks similar to how scoring works on the Prison of Elders, where players get scores based on their performance, earning points and medals. It is not known what final tallies will be used for, other than bragging rights, but there could potentially be loot available based on how well a player does on strikes. Speaking of loot, on top of the new sparrows and sparrow racing gear, there looks to be more guns and gear that will be added in the update. Some of the armor is brand new, however in the reveal trailer there is a warlock wearing Seraph type gear, which has been rare, or blue gear, but now appears to be legendary. It will be interesting to see if there are other pieces of legendary gear that has been promoted from uncommon or rare to legendary, something that would easily add end-game armor styles to the game.

One of the biggest reveals shown in The Dawning trailer was the return of Icebreaker exotic sniper rifle. This will be the first time since Year One that Icebreaker makes its appearance. The sniper was a favourite of many Year One Destiny players due to its ability to regenerate ammo. Little is known as to how one will acquire it, but due to the number of exotic quests in Destiny: Rise of Iron, it’s probable that there will be a quest to obtain it.
The Dawning looks to give Destiny players plenty of activities to keep them occupied over the holidays. New sparrow racing tracks, new gear to get, strike scores to set and quests to go on means good things for Destiny: Rise of Iron players. Hopefully Bungie can keep putting out these updates for players to keep them busy until Destiny 2 arrives later next year.
Source: Bungie Blog