With the Xbox One having been revealed a few days ago, Microsoft heads into E3 with a leg up on the competition, if you will. Though, I have to say that during the reveal, I was not impressed with what they had to show and am going into E3 feeling a bit empty when it comes to the Xbox One. But just because I don’t have faith doesn’t mean Microsoft doesn’t, as they have said, will blow Sony out of the water, and these are the things I think they will show at E3 in order to do it.
- The big tag line of the reveal was that Microsoft were gearing up to offer a total of 15 exclusive titles within a few months of the release of Xbox One. I predict that we will see all of these games showcased at E3 and I think that we can also expect some information. I’m sure that Microsoft were listening when Sony unveiled the Playstation 4 and know that with an absence of games at their reveal, Microsoft will have to step it up a bit. A list has been leaked that supposedly offers a glimpse into the E3 line-up, with such titles as Fable 4, and Banjo-Kazooie.
- I think that we can expect a slew of Kinect games being announced for the Xbox One. With Microsoft making their kinect a big part of the package, I don’t see them ignoring it with only a hand full of games. I predict that we will see a slew of games announced, like Kinect Sports, to maybe even a new Dance Central game.
- Microsoft are determined to make sure that the Xbox One is seen as an entertainment hub, capable of doing many different things. From watching tv, to keeping track of your fantasy sports; the Xbox One is aiming for the identity of entertainment system. At the reveal, Microsoft announced a Halo series, with Steven Spielberg holding some sort of position within it. It has also been reported that Microsoft is looking for more partners to make more original content for the Xbox One; so I expect to see perhaps one or two new series announced.
- Okay, it has been said that Halo 5 was aiming for Xbox 360, with Halo 6 headed towards the Xbox One. But ever since the leaked list of alleged games, Halo 5 is looking to be making its way towards Microsoft’s next-gen console, and I believe it. It’s not strange to see a company make a single game multi-platform within the same coompany, just look at Watch Dogs, which is headed to both Playstation 3 and 4. However, I don’t think this is in order to sell their system, as I am very confident that it will be releasing for Xbox 360, as per what was said in the past. But, if the leaked list is anything to go by, then I think that they are banking on such titles as Banjo-Kazooie and Fable 4 to sell their console, with Halo 5 potentially just increasing sells of Xbox One software.
- Okay, truth be told, I hate this thing, but that doesn’t mean that Sony aren’t going to try and push the Smart Glass. We saw mention of it with the Xbox One and with the impending Halo series coming to us; I think that Microsoft will utilize their Smart Glass technology to make it work in partnership with the exclusive television series.
- I personally think that Microsoft are going to mention something concerning their online service. With Sony pushing instant game collection with PSN and really making sure consumers get their moneys-worth; it would be stupid for Microsoft not to respond in some way. I predict that Microsoft will maybe alter their online subscription price, by maybe $5, but in turn offer up discounts and even free games.
- Yup, there has been a report saying that Microsoft are trying to get television based achievements implied, that reward you for being a couch potato. It will be interesting to see how they implement this and with their multi-media push with the Xbox One, I think that we will be hearing something about this achievement system. It’s interesting to say the least, and I’m sort of curious to see how they would implement such a thing. I can only assume that they will choice general achievements opposed to series specific achievements as doing such a thing could be time consuming.
That’s all the speculation I have for you, concerning Microsoft. I am however very interested in the claims that they will blow Sony out of the water with their press conference. It would seem that they are ready to enter the battle and come out smelling like roses but the question is, is their confidence wrongly placed? Well, E3 is just mere days away so be sure to stick around as BagoGames will have you covered!
And be sure to check out the Sony and Nintendo Speculation pages!
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