Thieves Guild, the third DLC pack for The Elder Scrolls Online has been made available worldwide for Xbox One and PlayStation 4.
In this expansion, players join the Thieves Guild of Abah’s Landing in the all-new area of Hew’s Bane, located in the southern peninsula of Hammerfell. As the newest recruit, it’s the player’s mission to restore the Thieves Guild to its former glory and help Abah’s Landing fight back against the mercenary group known as the Iron Wheel. This will prove to be a bit of a challenge as the Iron Wheel is bent on destroying the Thieves Guild after a heist gone wrong.
There’s also a new passive skill line exclusive to members of the Thieves Guild, and a new Larceny System. As the name would suggest, this system revolves around the art of thievery: Pickpocketing, burglary, and new Heist missions which can be obtained via a Khajiit named Fa’ren-dar will test the player’s skill.
Players who have purchased the Elder Scrolls Online and who also have an active Elder Scrolls Online Plus Membership will automatically have access to the Thieves Guild content pack and area. If players do not have the Plus membership, the DLC can be downloaded for 2,000 Crowns via the Crown Store. Crowns can be purchased from both the Xbox and PlayStation Stores.
For a more in-depth look at the new Thieves Guild content or the Elder Scrolls Online, feel free to visit the main website.
Source: Bethesda Press Release
Trailer via BethesdaSoftworksUK, YouTube