Prototype 2 is the sequel to the popular third person action adventure game Prototype. You play as a man named Sergeant James Heller, an ex-solider that worked for a government branch called Blackwatch. In the first game you took the role of Alex Mercer, a scientist working for a genetic engineering company called Gentek, after you wake up in a morgue in a Gentek laboratory you discover that you have the ability to shapeshift, use superhuman abilities such as strength and speed, and consume humans to recover their memories. You also discover that you have no memories from your life apart from your name, and that you have a sister named Dana. You spend most of your time in the game trying to discover your past, and how the Blacklight virus that is slowly infecting New York City is related to yourself. In the end, it is found that Blackwatch ordered Gentek to stop all research on the virus and eliminate any remaining scientists working on the project, Alex takes a vial of the virus as insurance to save his life, and he ends up releasing it in a metro station just before being gunned down by Blackwatch troopers, the virus takes over your dead body and you begin the game from there.

In the second game you find yourself matched up against Mercer after the virus kills your entire family and Alex himself infects you via a friendly neighborhood stab to the chest. You set yourself on a personal quest to end Alex and the virus with it, unfortunately this is not translated to your former co-workers and you end up having to fight off Blackwatch forces at the same time. Because the virus is adapting, Heller is different from Alex in the sense that he has more fluid combat then his predecessor and is capable of different attacks and powers. You will still be able to consume humans, shapeshift, throw tanks and all that fun stuff, but some things that you had the privilege of using in Prototype may not make the transition to the new game. The games story takes place just fourteen months after the events of Prototype, NYC has been renamed NYZ or New York Zero, and is split up into three different sections, a green zone, yellow zone, and red zone. Each zone has its different characteristics and personality in relation to the city and its inhabitants. While the green zone is free of the virus completely, it is filled to the brim with Blackwatch troopers, the yellow zone has become a slum and crowded ses-pool for the poorer class of citizens, the virus exists but is scarce and slow moving, and the red zone is completely overrun by the virus. It is Alex Mercers playground and domain of complete and utter control, there you will find that Blackwatch troopers are few and far between, and that for the most part, the infection grows unhindered. Missions will take place in all three sections, difficulty will vary depending on which zone the mission is located in, and that should make for some fun and adaptable gameplay. Here’s a video showcasing some new game footage, and a quick peak of the game so far.
Prototype 2 will be coming to a store near you on April 24th, 2012 on Xbox 360 and PS3 with a rating of M in North America and 18 in Europe. You can expect a review on BagoGames as soon as is humanly possible. (I was kidding about the human part. INFECTED FOR LIFE!)
I already have my collector’s edition pre-ordered!
I already have my collector’s edition pre-ordered!