For those of you who missed the Fire Emblem Nintendo Direct today, there was some worthy news that came out of it. And if you own a Nintendo 3DS you are going to be one very happy Fire Emblem fanatic. Westerners sometimes get the short end of the stick when it comes to amazing JRPGs and the like, because they are never localized for our market. In this instance, we never received the second Fire Emblem title, Fire Emblem: Gaiden. Well, now we will in the form of Fire Emblem Echoes: Shadows of Valentia which is inspired by the previously Japanese-exclusive title. The game will follow the tale of two main protagonists, Alm and Celica, who are embroiled in a civil war. Check out the trailer above, which provides more info on the game’s backstory. I’d better start charging my 3DS.

The title will release on the 3DS on May 19, with the two protagonists Amiibo’s launching on the same day (pictured above). All of this Fire Emblem news has pleased many Nintendo fans I’m sure. I know I’m thrilled to try out all these new adventures on the 3DS, Switch and Android device.
Source: Nintendo Direct