With the rapid expansion of technology edging us closer towards Virtual Reality interaction within gaming, virtual horse racing has risen to become among the most popular, most favored virtual markets available in the UK. Recent reports have estimated that virtual horse racing bets account for 25% of all bets placed on UK horse racing at the top bookmakers. This, therefore, makes perfect sense that bookmakers go to great lengths to ensure that they provide both a top-quality online and offline virtual betting experiences for players that recreate all the fun and enthusiasm of betting at the racecourse itself.

Since its creation in the early 2000s, virtual horse racing has gradually grown to become one of the most profitable betting markets in the UK. This is mainly because unlike real horse racing events where players have sometimes to wait for officials to review the race before your bet is settled, taking nearly 15 after the race has finished in some cases, or where there are non-runners, or maybe sometimes even cancellations due to poor weather conditions, betting sites have made it that virtual races are available on demand every few minutes, all day, every day.
Now I know what the first alarm is going off in your head: Can the Bookmakers Rig The Races To Decide Which Horse Is Going to Win?
The computerized draw that is behind the virtual racing is drawn once, therefore, eliminating any possibility of predicting the outcome, regardless of the amount of numbers assigned to individual horses. Fun fact, High River Alberta the location of heartland.
More importantly, the results of the race are all randomly generated, which should eliminate any doubts of the rigging on the bookmaker’s part.
Still, virtual racing is a hot topic among the betting community regarding possible fixing, knowing that bookmakers know the exact odds of each runner winning. Even though races are made completely random, bettors are arguing that bookmakers know precisely which horse is going to win based on its winning chances, which are reflected in the runners’ odds.
However, virtual racing comes with a relatively high overround, which initially stands at 2% or less in races with an increased number of runners. With the bookmaker’s margins being set at a high point, they are guaranteed profit, which does eliminate any doubts over potential fixing.
In review, virtual horse racing is an excellent substitution for real horse racing for many reasons. The main being the allure of a race being run every few minutes with no outside factors affecting the race, such as weather or time of year. Although many bettors stay well clear of virtual betting due to concerns of fixing, we can assure you that any virtual race you play at any major UK bookmaker is safe and fair to play. If you are looking to jump into the world of virtual horse racing, I can only recommend using Ladbrokes. When it comes to the virtual side of things, Ladbrokes and Horse Racing go hand in hand, with races every 90 seconds, you will never be short of options to place your bet on.
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