The 2013 DICE Summit kicked off today and it started off with bang (of the figurative kind). JJ Abrams, current director of the upcoming Star Trek Into Darkness and Star Wars Ep. 7, and Gabe Newell, who really shouldn’t need any introduction, took to the stage and had a talk, of sorts, regarding storytelling.
Throughout the course of the talk, both JJ Abrams and Gabe Newell both referred to the other’s work as they talked about different aspects of storytelling; with Abrams coming from the Film/TV side and Newell coming from games.
Near the end of the talk, however, both creators revealed that their current talk at DICE was a result of many previous discussions they’ve had. And at this point, they’re ready to do more than talk. In fact, Abrams stated that he and his company Bad Robot have an idea for a game they’d like to work on with Valve, with Newell following up with the news that a Portal or Half-Life movie could come from their teaming up.
More info on the matter, as well as the talk itself, can be found at Polygon or IGN, while a video of the event will make its way online later (hopefully later today).
Did anyone expect this kind of partnership between JJ Abrams and Gabe Newelll when they woke up this morning? I certainly didn’t.
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