Kinect, an Xbox 360 accessory similar to the PlayStation Eye Toy in that you ‘ARE’ the controller, is often seen as a daft and childish add-on in the eyes of hardcore gamers. But if the recent statistics are to be believed, and they are from Microsoft themselves, then said gamers are most likely wrong.
The latest stats released by Microsoft confirm the accessory is anything but a serious success as it has now shipped 24 million units worldwide, 3.3 million more than the Nintendo Gamecube and equal to the original Xbox console.
In the pile of stats released by the company, Microsoft also stated that 76million Xbox 360 consoles have now been shipped (a rate of nearly one Kinect to every three Xbox 360 consoles), that there are now 46 million users described as Xbox Live Subscribers and that in 2012 alone users consumed 18 billion hours of entertainment.
[Source: Eurogamer]