Easily one of the biggest games of the year is The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild. The game earned rave reviews, and really opened up the series to become a sprawling, massive adventure. Now, heading into the holiday season, Nintendo has revealed a couple of new Legend of Zelda products, perfect for new fans or more than likely for the Zelda collectors to pick up.

First up is a new version of the potential game of the year. The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild Explorer’s Edition comes with a copy of the game, a 100-page Explorer’s Guide, as well as a handy double-sided map. The game is literally one of the biggest gaming worlds I have ever played in, so for those new to the game, the map and Explorer’s Guide will definitely be something that comes in handy. I can also see collectors trading in their copies of the game or selling to be able to pick this bundle up.

The other new item is a new Legend of Zelda-themed 2DS, that comes with the Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time 3D on it. The system itself is green, a shade very similar to Link’s tunic, and the buttons are a bright orange color. The 2DS is a good little handheld for the younger crowd, so this will more than likely be something that parents pick up for their young ones that are intrigued by Link and his adventures. Again however, I can see collectors picking one up for their Legend of Zelda console and handheld collection, because no true collection will be complete without it.
These two new items look like pretty good offerings from Nintendo, however it would have been nice to see Breath of the Wild come with a code for the DLC. Maybe an idea for next time though. The 2DS looks pretty good and I can see it as a popular present in the upcoming holiday season. Do you think that Nintendo hit it out of the park with these, or could the offerings been a bit stronger? Let us know below what you think and if you’ll be picking one of these up on Black Friday when they are released.
Source: Nintendo Everything