Throughout 2017 we had some remarkable video game releases which have made a huge impact on the world of game design. Let’s take some time to look back on one that, for me, was sorely underappreciated; Elder Scrolls: Legends.
Elder Scrolls: Legends is a free to play strategy card game published by Bethesda Softworks, that is available on Steam, IOS, and Android. Throughout your voyage into Elder Scrolls: Legends, you will meet a diverse group of inhabitants who are located in Tamriel, each with a set of attributes which will help you conquer, and become the legend of which everyone speaks. Elder Scrolls: Legends has engaging visuals and cutscenes throughout, with superb commentary to accompany the storyline. The more levels you complete throughout your journey into the game, the more the story unfolds.

Your choice of cards and how you play your hand will determine your fate as you face a number of different species which include creatures, warriors, archers, and so many more.
In the past year, I have played a number of different card games such as Hearthstone and Magic Duels to try and gain an understanding of the genre, and how Elder Scrolls: Legends has been received in the industry. Despite high reviews online and within the Steam community, I personally feel that it was pushed aside by many, and not appreciated by a wider range of players. Looking back to March 2017, we had huge releases within the industry which included the Nintendo Switch accompanied by The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild, which is now the second highest selling Zelda game of all time. We could conclude that because of release dates and marketing techniques a game like Legends may have been pushed into the shadows, and, I believe that this contributed to how a game such as this was received in the market at the time.
Another huge reason why I think this title was overlooked from the beginning was its release as a free-to-play game. Personally, I would pay money for this game, especially after the experience I have had.
Micro-transactions are currently part of a huge debate within the video game industry, and games such as Legends fall into that argument. It can either be a huge turn off for players or something which is understood and sadly, has divided many areas of the industry causing games such as this to be ignored. A stereotype has been formed and has had a huge effect on free-to-play titles, Legends included. Supporting the developers is always a huge priority for me, so paying a little bit of money every now and again doesn’t sting, really.
One lesson I have learned as a player is to always give something a chance because an overlooked game can become a wasted production. If you are looking for something new, or a different genre to welcome into your video game world then I highly recommend Elder Scrolls: Legends. Give it a shot. You might be pleasantly surprised.
[…] recently published an opinion piece about Elder Scrolls: Legends. The game has garnered some traction and has a very loyal following. I was one of those followers […]