BEFORE YOU READ: One of our dangers in this article contains misleading information about a freeway accident caused byPokémon Go. has been found to be publishing false articles about the latest gaming phenomenon. We at BagoGames value providing accurate and honest news and information, and will continue to do our best to remain open and honest. Please enjoy the original article below.
Pokémon Go has a firm grasp on many people in the United States, myself included. The more I play, the more I realize I would want to be around my child at all times while they play the game. I’m a large grown man and even I’ve been weirded out by some of the things I’ve experienced while playing Pokémon Go! Thankfully I posses both the common sense and self-preservation HMs, but when you get engrossed in a game, some of that can fade away. Just remember: choose life, not Charizard.
5) Huge Phone Bills

This one is really dangerous for your wallet, especially if you have little ones with no concept of bills or money. Luckily I’ve got my own phone, which is pay as you go, and I can track how much data I’m using while I stumble around looking for Pokémon. Thankfully I’m near wifi and some PokeStops so my data, while still valuable, isn’t being drained as much as I figured it was. I can imagine, about a month from now, parents opening their phone bills and having quite a shock after Junior racks up high data charges, all in the endless quest to become a Pokémon Master.
4) Being Stranded

This one could have happened to me my first night playing Pokémon Go. ThePokémon Go app is a huge battery drainer; like insanely so. My battery usually lasts about two days—I have no friends to text, so burning through the whole thing in half a day surprised me. I caught an Ekans as I exited work, and then my phone battery went to zero. Since I’m a Boy Scout, I had my car charger in my glove box, so I was ready for any car emergency, should one happen. I can see younger players getting stuck away from home with no phone to call anyone, seeing as phone booths no longer exist. Or someone’s car could break down after a long Pokémon session and they wouldn’t even be able to call AAA. It’s scary being stranded out there nowadays, the world isn’t as safe as it was when Pokémon first came out.
3) Horrific Car Accidents

As pointed out in my first Pokémon Go! article, people are causing mayhem on the roads looking for a Snorlax. I’ll even admit that I have the screen up as I drive to find points of interest, and being the dedicated gamer that I am, when I hear a Pokémon show up, I have to go for them. I’ll tap on them then hope a light turns red so that I can battle them. I don’t want to get into car accidents for playing Pokémon. That’s somewhat embarrassing and I’ve seen it happen. There I am at work, which is right next to a highly active PokeStop and a police officer pulls a car into the parking lot. Seeing as it was a slow night I wandered over to watch the ruckus and saw the driver show the police officer his phone. I’m assuming the police officer pulled him over for drunk driving but instead found out he was a harmless nerd that may cause bus accidents from using his phone while driving. Thankfully that driver didn’t get into an accident like some people have. Go to this website to know the common causes of truck accidents. Let’s keep the streets safe fellow Poke-enthusiasts. And if the negligence of a truck driver caused you to have an accident, this team of trusted truck accident lawyers in Orlando, FL can help you get a fair settlement.
2) Physical Harm

Paying attention with your Pokédex in hand is difficult, especially when an Abra suddenly appears, but you must. I’ve seen several people bump into each other or fall of curbs and whatnot while playing the game. This causes minor ankle twists or some scrapes, but there’s worse physical harm than that. A few smarter than average dirtbags decided to take the popularity of the game and use it to their advantage. They camped out by PokeStops and committed armed robbery. Imagine how disappointed you would be playing a fun game when some thug pops out of a bush, waves a weapon at you, and demands money and valuables. Being robbed isn’t a fun experience, and I hope that more players become more aware of their surroundings and travel in packs to keep each other safe from degenerates.
1) Kidnapping or Pedophiles

Now imagine someone using the idea that the robbers had, but taking it to a whole new level. I’m sure some unknowing parents may let their children roam the neighborhood or city with this new game all alone. This could easily spark a slew of unspeakable crimes, which will amount to a bad look for Nintendo. I’m leery of any car that pulls up while I’m at my PokeStop—kidnapping is one of my biggest fears. I’d rather not imagine what other heinous crimes could be committed to players of Pokémon Go. I urge everyone to be safe while they or their children set out to catch Pokémon.
Any scary happenstances for you faithful reader? If so leave them in the comments.