January 8th saw a milestone come into fruition for game developer GameFreak. They revealed a new Pokemon game duo. Pokemon X/Y are slated to come out sometime in the fall of 2013, which will be released for the 3DS. With this console jump comes several new and improved visuals, with the signature overhead view becoming something of the past. Other than a console jump, there is one more major change. For the first time, keeping in line with the recent first time release of direct sequels, GameFreak and Nintendo have decided to name these new games Pokemon X and Pokemon Y, which will be the platform to introduce Generation 6.

Few details have come out about about the new adventure. At the very least, we have been introduced to the starter Pokemon in the trailer, which are more or less cute (except for that frog—kind of creepy). Now, why am I writing an article about information that has already been covered? Well, I wanted to cover the basics as they play into an opinion I have. Several newspapers report that the name Pokemon X is actually not the safest for a search engine like Google. Reason being, with a world filled with entertainment of all kinds, some reaching the not-so-child friendly level, Pokemon X mistakenly falls into a certain category children should stay away from. It is said that if Pokemon X is searched, then you will get links to “nudity sites,” which makes sense as the letter X has a vital role with those types of media. For purely journalistic reasons, I searched Pokemon X on Google. I have to say, these claims aren’t holding any substance as the results all relate to the actual game. So, I decided to search PokemonX, thinking maybe the lack of space would bring up these porn links which, you guessed it, did not. The obvious culprit of the porn links is searching Pokemon XXX, and even that doesn’t exactly bring up these aforementioned links.

Now, while these claims do only prove truthful with Pokemon XXX, it is still very real that children can easily mistakenly put XXX, as sometimes overly sensitive keyboards generate several letters from a simple tap. Nintendo has been called out, so to speak, and one has to wonder if this will lead to name change for both games. In my opinion, I feel like there is a deeper, hidden reason for the names, and Nintendo will not be willing to change. My reasoning: X and Y are chromesomes that make a person; boys are XY and girls are XX. With fusion becoming a reality in Pokemon Black and White 2, with Zekrom/Reshiram fusing with Kyurem; could there be Hybrids in these titles?
What do you guys think? Do you think that these chosen names play a special part in a hidden mechanic within the games? It’s strange that Nintendo have chosen to abandon the color-based names, a staple for the franchise.
I would also like to say that, if you have a young child, you should install a parental lock as Pokemon XXX is a believable mistake and can happen. Protect not only your children, but also a franchise that has brought happiness to so many, myself included. Something like this could ultimately tarnish the reputation of such a franchise.
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