With E3 officially kicking off today, and a lot of big companies preparing for their press conferences; that doesn’t stuff the rumor mill from spinning and today, it has spun in the direction of Microsoft.
Earlier today, a list of supposed leaked information for Microsoft’s press conference was released, via the NeoGAF forums by a member that used the hash-tag #teamCboat.
The list was in a language that is known as l33t to avoid detection I would assume and the list read as follows;
- Microsoft will be buying out publishers that come out on stage to not mention that their title will also be releasing on the Playstation 4. So, you can assume that when a developer does not open or end with “Exclusively for Xbox One” that the title will also be coming to the Playstation 4.
- More in-depth info at Gamescom. There is no rental strategy, they’re trying to just sweep it under the rug and hope people don’t remember. (My l33t skills might be off here, so here is the original [^_^ stag2 indethpth drm mesaging a@t gamescom. rental stretegy is no stratgy, nolpan for support, just watnt o keep quiet. nontalk execs! beacuse mesaging isnt done. stagae1 waslast Tursyfday…clusterfuktota]
- Cloud power was designed as DRM. It was Microsoft’s idea, and they approached other publishers. Both EA and Ubisoft support it, but Activision, slightly less so.
- DRM plans are worse then what has been reported.
- Mirror’s Edge 2 will be at MS Press Conference (Note it does not say it will be exclusive)
- Prince of Persia will be at MS Press Conference (Perhaps a reboot?)
- Secret Phil Spencer Game = World of Tanks. It is said that you will still need “Xbox Live Gold” to play.
- Free-2-Play games perhaps?
- Pay wall for Xbox One
- Dead Rising 3 coming as an Xbox 3 exclusive. As well as Exclusive DLC for another Capcom game.
- There will be no pay wall for Playstation 4, although, that it yet to be fully confirmed.
- Sony is being very tight-lipped on their DRM policies, so no DRM information is available at this time.
Some pretty big leaked news, and if indeed Dead Rising 3 and Mirror’s Edge 2 will be making an appearance at E3; they certainly have added some important heavy hitters. Again, Mirror’s Edge 2 was not specified as an Xbox One exclusive, while Dead Rising 3 was.
This is all speculation however and rumor. So while reading, take everything with a grain of salt and be sure to catch the Microsoft Press Conference in about an hour.
Happy E3 Everyone!
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