The latest DLC pack for SimCity has been revealed and seems to be attempting to make your city even more interesting from above as it adds both hot air balloons and blimps to the game.
The airships set includes two airships with have very different effects on your game. One, the commuter Airship, transports workers whilst the other, the Tourist Airship, brings in tourists. It sounds like a vicious circle of forced employment if you ask us…
In addition to this, you also get two balloon parks with ten unique balloons includes as well as an Event Bliump that covers events at your SimCity stadium.
The DLC pack costs £6.00 to download is is available right now over on Origin. Will you be downloading the pack?
[Source: Eurogamer]

[…] passion is enough to see the vision through to completion? Or given modern revivals like EA’s SimCity, are you taking a reserved […]