It’s been four years since Journey was released and cemented thatgamecompany as a developer that more than made their point in the argument of “video games as art”. The developers are now finally moving onto a new project it seems as their official Twitter account has begun teasing the prospect of a new “game about giving“. You can check out the full teaser images below:

As you can see above, there is a release date of 2017 being teased. The three images above are naturally pretty ambiguous, especially if you’re trying to figure out what kind of gameplay mechanics there will be. However, the images do evoke a pleasant feeling and I would not be surprised to see co-op be present after its successful implementation in Journey and the image of four children adventuring together.
What isn’t announced is the platforms that this will appear on, as Jenova Chen (co-founder of thatgamecompany) has stated that it will likely not release the follow-up to Journey on just PlayStation platforms. While Journey was a massive success critically, it was limited to PS3 users only which meant far less sales. I’m sure we will see thatgamecompany branch out onto several non-PlayStation platforms, but we’ll have to wait for more information until then.
Are you excited for a new game from thatgamecompany? Let us know in the comments below what you think the game will be about!
Source: thatgamecompany Official Twitter