THQ has once again released a new bundle of its finest and greatest games through Amazon which includes highlights such as Saints Row: The Third, Titan Quest Gold and Dark Siders II among others.
The full list can be seen below, courtesy of Joystiq;
1.Company of Heroes – Tales of Valor [Download]
2. Company of Heroes Game of the Year [Download]
3. Darksiders II [Download]
4. Darksiders [Download]
5. Homefront [Download]
6. MX vs ATV Reflex [Download]
7. Metro 2033 [Download]
8. Nexuiz [Download]
9. Red Faction Armageddon [Download]
10. Red Faction Guerrilla [Download]
11. Saints Row 2 [Download]
12. Saints Row: The Third [Download]
13. Supreme Commander [Download]
14. Supreme Commander: Forged Alliance [Download
15. Titan Quest Gold [Download]
16. Warhammer 40,000 Dawn of War II – Gold Edition [Download]
17. Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine [Download]
18. Warhammer 40k: Dawn of War Gold [Download]
19. Warhammer 40k: Dawn of War II Retribution [Download]
The pack is available to download for $25.00 which is half price as to what it would cost usually and lasts until January 26th. Buying the games on their own however is worth much more than the original $50.00 price-tag let alone the $25.00 tag.
The pack of games can be found by clicking this wonderful sentence of text…
All of these sales are getting to the point of gamers owning all of what THQ has to offer in some form. How close are you to owning every game detailed on this list?
[Source: Gamer Deals via Joystiq]
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