In games, the voice actors can make or break the success of a game. When a game has an important or dramatic moment, these actors bring the game to life for us and make it unforgettable (The Last of Us’ stellar voice acting is a good example). InFamous: Second Son is just round the corner and the voice actors got their hands on it today and loved it.
Coming from Twitter (through Dualshockers), Sucker Punch posted a tweet telling fans that the two main voice actors in the game who play the hero and the hero’s brother, Troy Baker and Travis Willingham: “@TroyBakerVA and @WillingBlam flew up here in the snow to play the game. They aren’t disappointed!” This was accompanied by this image of the pair playing the game:
Later on, Troy Baker replied to the tweet with: “@SuckerPunchProd@WillingBlam HUGE understatement. WE ARE STOKED!!!” and “Holy. God. You guys ain’t seen NUTHIN yet. #SecondSon.” Seems like he is slightly excited, no?
InFamous: Second Son is released March 21st. It is so close!
Are you excited for inFamous: Second Son?
Source: DualShockers