A few weeks has passed and we’ve all celebrated Halloween in various ways. Me I just stayed home and gamed quite a bit, then ran some errands; being an adult isn’t too much fun. This is what we played while we celebrated, please enjoy!
Alexx Aplin – Overwatch Halloween Event

Overwatch Events
So Many Tricks and Treats to Get
I Need Loot Boxes
Chris Penwell – Paladins

It’s not just a clone
Unique heroes and powers
It’s a lot of fun!
Eleni-Chan – Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild

Breath of the Wild
Soft winds blow through grass
Moon Turns Red Darkening Sky
M. Charles Barnhart – Dishonored: Death of the Outsider

Shadows consume me,
But I chase life’s last embers,
Fingers to the stars.
Jerry Dobracki – Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic

Graphics upgrade rocks,
I miss the old Bioware
Thank you, Microsoft!
That’s what we’ve been working on as of late, what about you?