The Last Guardian is a long and tiresome tale for gamers, as it seems that a game showcased years ago had seemingly vanished into the abyss. Many have been wondering what exactly team ICO have been doing and why the silence surrounding such a game. The Last Guardian looked beautiful and you’d think Sony would be interested in pumping marketing resources into it.
Well, in comments at E3 yesterday, many were sent into a craze when it was revealed that “The Last Guardian” had officially been put on hiatus. The groans and moans of thousands could be heard, even from my own living-room. But, don’t fret as it seems that what was reported yesterday seems to have been a mistake.
Worldwide Studios Head, Shuhei Yoshida has spoken out about the supposed hiatus and has said that it was misleading, a mistake. He says that The Last Guardian is in active development, however, it wasn’t quite ready for prime-time. To me, that doesn’t fully justify keeping it quiet for so long, even after seeing a trailer for it a few years ago. I understand that developing a game is a long process, as I attended school for coding, but just a small update here and there, reassuring us that The Last Guardian is still alive, would have been nice! Something I found very interesting is that Yoshida went on to say that they weren’t ready to re-introduce it. Now, I may be looking too much into this but it seems that this could mean that The Last Guardian has been reworked for the Playstation 4, and looks much different then what they showcased for the Playstation 3.
Regardless, it’s quite strange that the original person that had made comments on The Last Guardian supposed hiatus was non other then the Playstation of America CEO, Jack Tretton. To hold such a position, he must know his words hold the weight of gold so he must have gotten information that stated this from somewhere, right?