July marks the event known as the London Film and Comic Con at Earl’s Court, normally bringing in a select crowd of folks and cosplayers who bask in the over priced merchandise and the many television stars of the 90s. This year was different. This year we had Stan Lee! And of course, the event went mental. Crowds gathered outside to what is a quiet event, making it something of a spectacle. In other words, the event was super busy, super hot and super duper crowded. There were plenty of awesome stalls, cosplayers and artists to admire. And we mustn’t forget Stan Lee, either.

Since it was super busy, the line to get in did take three hours unless your press. Not entirely sure why, but I think Stan Lee might have had something to do with it. As many know, Stan “The Man” Lee doesn’t visit the dear UK very much. Since this was one of those few times, everyone decided to come along. He was very chatty and witty as ever at his Q&A, if not slightly deaf and thinking he created Batman. Still, the 92 year old was still as awesome as you imagine and it was wonderful to see so many gather and celebrate the great Stan. Even if he didn’t create Batman.
There were other awesome things too at this Con too….”My Little Pony Monopoly” included. Enough said.
There were a collection of graphic and comic artists, along with painters and designers here and all were displaying their fantastic work. What has become big in the UK is 3D printing and with every passing moment, it seems to be getting better and better. With more advanced machines, we can get some pretty amazing statues made. Just like this Batman mask in the image below … oh, that’s Ironman, my bad.
Cosplay galore here as well, many dressing up and acting the part enjoyed in what is becoming a major trend with the young, old and those dudes who dress up as Wonder Woman. At the London Film and comic con was the Anime Masquerade where dozens of cosplayers are chosen to (pretend to) battle it to the death, where only one can win. Or at least, in my mind that is.

There was also Alien Colonial Marine style My Little Pony … more entertaining than the Gearbox game. Oh, and George A Romero was here too … but he’s no Stan Lee. Also, the Marine Pony!

Aside from the stars and cosplays, there were some other truly talented people to take notice of. Designers and creative minds of all kinds gathered to share and explore the realms of comics and films, but one stand that took my eye belonged to a group known as All Knightz. A team who have changed the rules and developed a series of super heroes originating from an African background. Their focus is to become an example that superheroes don’t need to be one tone and can come from other rich and diverse backgrounds. Their latest comic, Hard-wire, is a superhero origin story set in South Africa, integrating themes centering on equality, hardships, class struggles and dangers of modern age technology. It also happens to have aliens too. All Knights aren’t afraid to express themselves and go beyond the norm and make black superheroes more universally accepted.

I stumbled upon what you see above when I met a gathering of folks who love everything cult. B-movies like Time Bandits, Life force, Day of the Dead are just the sort of thing they’re dedicated to remastering on DVD and Blu-ray, and they even brought back Zombie Flesh Eaters if you fancy some pretty awful but entertaining b-movie gold. Eventually, their goal is to produce and remaster some more golden films such as the Burb’s, Bound and hopefully a personal recommendation of my own, Highlander. Just the first though, not the second, maybe the third.

So it was a pretty good event, seeing all the wondrous cosplayers and goodies on offer. But it was sweet to see the legendary Stan Lee and to see how much he meant to so many who came from across the UK and from Europe, just to see him. Even if you didn’t make Batman, we still love him. Also, he never ages. Lucky guy!

Want more from the world of comics? Check out some of the darkest shades of grey you’ll ever find on comic pages or find out just when heroes do let loose. Stay tuned for the latest in comics, games, film, and tech here at BagoGames.